洛杉矶有很多坐飞机的人,有足够的私人飞机机场来容纳他们. 我们汇集了洛杉矶最好的私人飞机机场,以帮助您计划下一次洛杉矶包机航班.


洛杉矶有很多坐飞机的人,有足够的私人飞机机场来容纳他们. 我们汇集了洛杉矶最好的私人飞机机场,以帮助您计划下一次洛杉矶包机航班.

We’ve assembled a list of the airports within Los Angeles 这些都超越了,为私人飞机旅客提供了特殊的设施. 拥有一流的设施和时尚的fbo -“固定基地运营商”,或迷你私人飞机候机楼——无需担心在机场等待. You may even decide to arrive a little early.

Van Nuys Airport

Van Nuys Airport
Van Nuys Airport

Located to the west of Los Angeles, Van Nuys Airport is the city’s most popular airport for private charter flights. In fact, 它是世界上最繁忙的非商业机场之一, with over 200,000 takeoffs and landings annually. 尽管人数众多,但乘客体验是独一无二的,并不吝啬豪华. 两个签名设施提供豪华休息室与美食餐饮,休息室,淋浴和更多. The Clay Lacy FBO is also brimming with amenities, 并在2016年飞行员选择奖中被评为“西南地区最佳FBO”第22名.

  • Year opened: 1928
  • Distance from downtown Los Angeles: 20 miles
  • Land area: 730 acres
  • Commercial destinations: 0
  • Number of FBOs: 4

Bob Hope Airport

Bob Hope Airport
Bob Hope Airport

Bob Hope Airport 距离伯班克市中心3英里,距离洛杉矶市中心12英里. Originally known as United Airport, 机场于2003年以传奇喜剧演员鲍勃·霍普的名字重新命名, 他是一名航空爱好者,在去世前将他的飞机停放在机场多年. 该机场是附近帕萨迪纳居民的热门选择, Glendale and Hollywood looking to avoid traffic. 机场有两个私人飞机终点站和设备齐全的会议室, luxurious lounges, showers and hot cookies.

  • Year opened: 1930
  • Distance from downtown Los Angeles: 12 miles
  • Land area: 614 acres
  • Commercial destinations: 0
  • Number of FBOs: 2

Santa Monica Municipal Airport

Santa Monica Airport
Santa Monica Airport

Santa Monica Municipal Airport 位于圣莫尼卡,距离马里布、比佛利山庄和洛杉矶市中心只有几英里. 在它服务于洛杉矶一些最精英的社区之前, 该网站为圣莫尼卡的第一次飞行奠定了基础. 早在1919年,一战时期的双翼飞机就在这里的草地跑道上起降. 现在,这里的一个机库存放着世界巡洋舰,第一架环球飞行的飞机. Charter flights are serviced out of Atlantic Aviation, which is open 24/7 and offers custom catering, baggage services, a conference room and a pilot's lounge.

  • Year opened: 1923
  • Distance from downtown Los Angeles: 14 miles
  • Land area: 227 acres
  • Commercial destinations: 0
  • Number of FBOs: 1

Los Angeles International Airport

Los Angeles Airport
Los Angeles Airport

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) 1928年,作为该市第一个市政机场,雷场机场首次开放. Now, 洛杉矶国际机场是世界上第四繁忙的客运机场, seeing over 80 million passengers annually. Luckily for private jet passengers, 机场还提供两个令人难以置信的设备齐全的私人飞机航站楼,远离喧嚣. 对于乘坐私人包机前往洛杉矶国际机场转机乘坐长途商业航班的旅客来说,这个机场很受欢迎. The Aviation facility is equipped with concierges, a public notary, showers and a fully-equipped business center.

  • Year opened: 1928
  • Distance from downtown Los Angeles: 16 miles
  • Land area: 640 acres
  • Commercial destinations: 176
  • Number of FBOs: 2

Long Beach Airport

Long Beach Airport
Long Beach Airport

Built in 1941, Long Beach Airport is an iconic element of Long Beach heritage. 该航站楼因其令人印象深刻的马赛克和独特的设计而被命名为文化历史地标. 私人飞机乘客有四种fbo选择:签名, JFI JetCenter, AirFlite and Pacific Jet Center. Signature和JFI JetCenter是最豪华的一套, with comfortable lounges, catering services, showers and activities to keep the kids entertained.

  • Year opened: 1941
  • Distance from downtown Los Angeles: 23 miles
  • Land area: 1,166 acres
  • Commercial destinations: 15
  • Number of FBOs: 4

LA/Ontario International Airport

Ontario California
Ontario California

LA/Ontario International Airport 位于圣贝纳迪诺,距离洛杉矶市中心38英里. 该机场是由南加州最早的飞行俱乐部之一于20世纪20年代建造的, the Friends of Ontario Airport. 从那时起,该机场已发展成为洛杉矶地区第三繁忙的机场. 通常通往机场的道路上车辆很少, making it a favorite for residents to the east of LA. Private jets are serviced out of Guardian Jet Center, which is equipped with a conference room, a crew lounge, nap rooms and showers.

  • Year opened: 1929
  • Distance from downtown Los Angeles: 38 miles
  • Land area: 1,741 acres
  • Commercial destinations: 14
  • Number of FBOs: 1

John Wayne Airport

John Wayne Airport
John Wayne Airport

Located 35 miles south of LA, John Wayne Airport 是通往新港和拉古纳海滩镇最方便的入口吗, as well as Disneyland and Anaheim Angels Stadium. 私人飞机由奥兰治县大西洋航空公司运营, which has an on-site concierge, valet services and an exercise facility, as well as Signature FBO, 这里有多个会议室和一个大型私人休息室.

  • Year opened: 1923
  • Distance from downtown Los Angeles: 35 miles
  • Land area: 504 acres
  • Commercial destinations: 25
  • Number of FBOs: 2

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